Labs at the IMVT
Practical course: Separation degree measurement
The practical course is part of the lecture "Grundlagen der Mechanischen Verfahrenstechnik".
Contact Person: Gunnar Dwars
Practical course: Fluidized bed
The practical course is part of the tutorial to the lecture "Grundlagen der Mechanischen Verfahrenstechnik".
Contact Person: Lars Kirchhof
APMB/SF Experiments (Mechanical Engineering)
The two above-mentioned labs (separation degree measurement and fluidized bed) are offered to mechanical engineering students as APMB/SF experiments for the "Spezialisierungsfachpraktikum Verfahrenstechnik". The other two labs are offered by the ICVT.
Contact Person
Gunnar Dwars
M. Sc.Scientific Employee
Lars Kirchhof
M. Sc.Scientific Employee