Thesis Projects

Institute of Mechanical Process Engineering

The Institute offers thesis projects for Bachelor and Master level students. The focus of each thesis depends on the research effort as part of which the thesis project is pursued.

The listing below shows most of the current theses which are offered by the IMVT. Please contact the associated supervising team member for further information.

Job offers for (under)graduate assistants are listed in the Job Offers section. 


Development and construction of a test rig to study the interaction between cavitation bubbles and solid particles

Further development of a experimental setup for PIV measurements for cavitating flows

Development of a coupling method for simulations with the SPH method

Development of a filtration test rig and flow measurements using LDA

If you can't find an appropriate thesis, please check the german version of this page and/or feel free to contact the supervising team member of the respective research area to discuss potential opportunities.

This image shows Carsten Mehring

Carsten Mehring

Prof. Ph.D.

Institute Director

Julija Hermann


Secretary’s Office

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