Emulsification, Dispersion, Agglomeration

Institute of Mechanical Process Engineering (IMVT)

Multiphase systems are very important in the chemical, pharmaceutical and foody industry. The IMVT therefore conducts research in the fields of emulsification, dispersion and agglomeration.

Microscopic Image of an Emulsion


A mixture of two phases that are neither soluble in each other nor do react with one another is called dispersion. In an dispersion process one of the phases is divided in small entities. This phase is named disperse phase. The second phase is called continous phase.


In some processes such as the production of instant coffee it is required to obtain a disperse system with precisely defined particle sizes. This can be achieved by the combination of severaly small entities into a large one. In this case it is called agglomeration. This applies to particles (solid), drops (liquid) or bubbles (gas).

CAD-Model of a rotor-stator-mixer.


An emulsion is a mixture of two or more liquids that are actually not miscible. However, many products and processes require exactly this. The IMVT develops and optimizes the necessary processes and machines.


This image shows Carsten Mehring

Carsten Mehring

Prof. Ph.D.

Institute Director

Julija Hermann


Secretary’s Office

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