
Technology Transfer and Start-Up Center

Innovation through Computational Modeling and Measurements

General information

The center is concerned with simulative and experimental investigations of fluid mechanical phenomena, specifically in the area of multiphase and disperse flows, and the development of innovative technical solutions and educational offerings in this and other areas.

Main Topics

The i=cm2 center concerns itself with the evaluation of existing flow elements and systems on the one hand and the development and production of new flow components and systems on the other hand. The focus is on multiphase flows and specifically disperse multiphase systems in applications where fragmentation/atomization, separation/filtration, mixing, agglomeration and general mass-, phase- and heat-transfer phenomena play a role. Aside from fluid mechanic and thermodynamic processes, other physical phenomena and multi-scale effects might also be of relevance in the investigated cases.


The i=cm2 center has broad expertise and know-how in the characterization of disperse systems and the experimental characterization of flow fields. We offer measurements with equipment owned by the IMVT at customer sites, as well as measurements of test articles provided by our customers at the IMVTs facilities.

Aside from performing measurements and data analysis, future efforts also aim to develop sensors and measurement techniques in order to support data-based and hybrid model development.

The i=cm2 center provides support for the development and construction of test benches for quality control or for the evaluation of existing and the development of new or improved products. To do so, the center can rely on the long-standing experience of the IMVT, in which the center is embedded.

In the future, the i=cm2 center aims to offer specialized “short-courses” in the following subject areas:

  1. Best-practice use of fluid dynamics simulation software, particularly in context of multiphase flows
  2. Practical use of particle measurement systems such as laser diffraction, Coulter counter, cascade impactors, etc.
  3. Measurement of thermophysical and material properties such as density, viscosity, porosity, etc.
  4. Laws, standards and other resources related to particle pollution and hazards in context with handling of dusts and powders.
  5. Tips and tricks for the practical use/handling of multiphase flows, disperse systems and their analysis/interrogation.


Specific course contents are in planning. 

Information according to §5 TMG (German Telemedia Act):

TTI – Technologie-Transfer-Initiative GmbH an der Universität Stuttgart (TTI GmbH)
Nobelstraße 15
70569 Stuttgart

Responsible for content according to German press law (§ 55 RStV German Interstate Broadcasting Treaty):

Prof. Carsten Mehring, Ph. D.

Register entry & VAT-ID:

Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRB 19455
USt-IdNr. DE 194532993


This image shows Carsten Mehring

Carsten Mehring

Prof. Ph.D.

Institute Director

Julija Hermann


Secretary’s Office

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